Thursday, May 29, 2008

Bookmarking Blues

Last night found me tackling the first of my juggernaut assignments for this class. Bookmarking 120 items on information technologies using Connotea,, and Zotero seemed much easier on paper. 1 day later and I only have 25 bookmarks to show for my effort. Maybe I am being too picky in my choices. I am still not sure how to aggregate the tags into a single collection via RefWorks. And I have barely put a dent in the assigned readings.

Ah, deep breath in.

I know that I will get this all sorted out at some point but the June 8th deadline is looming and I am getting panicky. If only there were more hours in a day.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Negative Vibes

Hmmm.....I am getting the vibe that this IT class is going to be structured more along the lines of teaching yourself the ropes. This does not bode well considering my lack of knowledge concerning all things techie. I just got my textbooks in the mail and they are adding to my growing fears of succeeding in this class. Wow, do I feel over my head. Thank the powers that be that I have friends in this program that are in the same boat as I am. Hey, misery loves company, right?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

My RAM Headache

You know, I really am becoming a techie as evident by the morning spent researching what is ailing my computer. I was attempting to chat via Skype last night and my computer kept crashing big time. For the past 2 weeks, in fact, it has been locking up, running slow and having problems shutting down. Needless to say, I have been feeling totally frustrated. I have been blaming it on the programs/apps that we have had to download for this IT class, but my research has led me to believe that I need more RAM for my system. Normally, I would call in my handy big brother for computer assistance but this class is giving me the confidence to try to fix it on my own. Now that might not seem like such a big deal, but trust me, when you are as technically illiterate as I am, IT'S A BIG DEAL. So, off I go to Best Buy to purchase RAM and attempt a self-installation. Yikes.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Baby Steps

So after getting this blog up and running and after playing around with some of the options, I finally got a chance to step back and admire my work. Not too shabby. Dare I say I am a little proud. I even feel like showing it off - ha ha. Seriously though, I can't believe how easy it is for non-techie people to achieve technological feats like blog creations. I guess this is the joy of a user-focused Web 2.0. I am mostly excited at the prospect of adding these skills to my resume. I have dreams of creating an e-portfolio that will knock the socks off of my future interviewers. Feels good to start taking baby steps toward that goal.

Monday, May 19, 2008

It Ain't Easy Being Green

Ah, the vicissitudes of life. One week ago, I was basking in the warm sun and turquoise waters of the British Virgin Islands and this week, I am in full-on tech mode as I prepare for my first IT class. Let's just say that I am already daunted by the requisite accounts and software for this class. My computer is none too pleased either. She has been having hissy fits as of late and the prep for this class is not helping. It has taken me 6 hours (!!!!) to complete the required account setups and program downloads with 2+ hours wasted on trying to download programs/apps for Firefox using Explorer. Yes, I can be that dense. Maybe once I am a techie, I'll be able to laugh about it but right now, I am feeling slightly panicked. I may be out of my league here...