Thursday, May 22, 2008

My RAM Headache

You know, I really am becoming a techie as evident by the morning spent researching what is ailing my computer. I was attempting to chat via Skype last night and my computer kept crashing big time. For the past 2 weeks, in fact, it has been locking up, running slow and having problems shutting down. Needless to say, I have been feeling totally frustrated. I have been blaming it on the programs/apps that we have had to download for this IT class, but my research has led me to believe that I need more RAM for my system. Normally, I would call in my handy big brother for computer assistance but this class is giving me the confidence to try to fix it on my own. Now that might not seem like such a big deal, but trust me, when you are as technically illiterate as I am, IT'S A BIG DEAL. So, off I go to Best Buy to purchase RAM and attempt a self-installation. Yikes.

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