Monday, May 19, 2008

It Ain't Easy Being Green

Ah, the vicissitudes of life. One week ago, I was basking in the warm sun and turquoise waters of the British Virgin Islands and this week, I am in full-on tech mode as I prepare for my first IT class. Let's just say that I am already daunted by the requisite accounts and software for this class. My computer is none too pleased either. She has been having hissy fits as of late and the prep for this class is not helping. It has taken me 6 hours (!!!!) to complete the required account setups and program downloads with 2+ hours wasted on trying to download programs/apps for Firefox using Explorer. Yes, I can be that dense. Maybe once I am a techie, I'll be able to laugh about it but right now, I am feeling slightly panicked. I may be out of my league here...

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